Scott's profile



Amsterdam, Netherlands

Reputation points: 20

Scott's startup

Startup industry:

Web or Mobile app

Startup stage:

Exited - Successfully exited the business

Website link:

Scott's co-founder search details

Why Scott would make a good co-founder

Decades of experience creating startups, both alone and in incubator/accelerators. Expertise in product development, marketing, biz dev, and angel investing. Extensive network, from past companies in Seattle, San Francisco and Amsterdam. Often seeking technical cofounder (as equal partner).

Elevator pitch for startup:

Several ideas in several stages - some just idea, some developed and validated. Most have business models and marketing strategies. Ideas are outlined in a shared Google doc.

Idea stage:

Validation - Concept exploration & research

Idea industry:

Web or Mobile app

Scott's skills:


Skills Scott is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

10-20 hours per week