I am seeking startups that could benefit from additional support to help them grow, scale, and achie...
I am seeking startups that could benefit from additional support to help them grow, scale, and achie...
My goal is to build an AI-driven platform to revolutionise football (soccer) player recruitment. It...
As a passionate and driven data professional, I bring a unique blend of technical expertise, analyti...
My web app Elements a a platforms where creatives can post and discover opportunities and resources....
Imagine spending thousands on a renovation or DIY project, only to hate the result. All Things Snug...
I'm hardworking, loyal and trustworthy. Would be able to provide a fresh perspective on the idea. Wo...
With 18 years of industry experience, including 5+ years in Generative AI and Agentic AI, I bring de...
I'm looking for a technical co-founder , someone who sees product development as problem-solving. ....
I've chosen the path of entrepreneurship—there's no turning back. I need someone with the same minds...
I’m John Lee, the co-founder of Digital Heroes, a Hong Kong- and Germany-based platform revolutioniz...
Hi, I'm Stanley, an experienced scientist and leader based in the UK with a strong background in in-...
Hello everyone, I’m Keerthiraj from Bangalore (India), and I come with a strong background in sales,...
I believe I'd write better if I'm able to come back and edit this but right now, we'd go with what y...
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If you’re looking for a cofounder for your startup, it’s important that you ask the right questions during an interview to find the ideal match. Finding someone with complementary skills and similar values who has the experience and energy to weather startups’ stormy seas will set you on a course for success.
You should think of your Starthawk profile as another version of your CV.
Always include a professionally-taken (or at least professional looking) picture of yourself on your profile.
Write a description of yourself that demonstrates that you have the skills needed to be a great co-founder. This might be details of your education, your previous career or the businesses you’ve started and run in the past.
You should also include one or two details that people will remember when they’re scanning through profiles and comparing them. What can you say about yourself and your achievements that will make you the one they remember?
And finally, but importantly, make sure you include an elevator pitch. This should tell people reading what your business idea is, who you want to target and why you’re the ideal co-founder for this business. A good elevator pitch can help you whether you want to find a cofounder in the UK or find business partners in the USA.
Starthawk is like a dating app to find business partners. Just as you wouldn’t send a cut-and-paste message on a dating site, so you shouldn’t send one on Starthawk.
Research every person you want to approach before you write your message. Make sure you know what they’ve done in the past and what they’re looking to do now, so you can talk about these things in your message.
Include in your message details of why you have chosen to contact them and why you think you’re a good match.
Response times vary, often depending on how busy each person is and how much time they have in their diary to send replies. If you don’t get a reply straight away, don’t worry – you probably won’t have to wait long.
Our system shows you the most active profiles first when you search, so the people you message will usually be those who are checking in and replying regularly. We’ll also send a reminder three and seven days after your original message, if it’s still unread.
We suggest that you set up a meeting as soon as you feel comfortable doing so. This is usually best done online, using Whatsapp, Zoom or Skype.
If you prefer, and the person you want to meet is based near you, then you might prefer to meet them face-to-face. If you do this, you should always meet somewhere there are other people around, such as a restaurant or pub. Whether you’re looking to find a cofounder in London or find a cofounder in NYC, there’ll always be a busy place where you can meet.
With premium membership, you get:
You can request that they sign an NDA, though you don’t have to do so. You might find that some co-founders are unwilling to sign an NDA until you’ve met and had at least a preliminary discussion.
Whether or not you use an NDA, it’s important to carry out some simple online research to see if the person you plan to meet has the online presence you’d expect.
It’s also important to mention that when you decide to work with a co-founder, your idea is simply the starting point. Any time you’re thinking about how to find a business partner in the UK or elsewhere, remember that how you work together to make it happen is what will make your business.