How to move forward with my idea?
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How to move forward with my idea?


I've been visiting Miami a few times and from the first time i have been looking at a service that i wanted but couldn't find. Since i live in Sweden its been difficult to develop the business and find info on how to start a business in US and haven't been able to figure out what the next step should be.

I have started a few business before here in Sweden but ho to do it in US is new to me.

The idea is in travel and transportation (in Miami) and have a huge market, so there would be a opportunity to create some jobopportunities when the pandemic is over. Haven't find any company's who offer the service.

What would be you recommendation on how to move forward? Looking for a partner, mentorship or open for suggestions.

Best Martin

Asked by:
On: 19/12/2020 00:35

7 answers:

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It's going to be important for you to talk about idea with different people. That's the best way to gather interest in your idea.

These people can turn out to be your potential customers, partners or mentors. Testing the market is the most novel thing you could do at the beginning of your journey.

Answered by:
On: 07/01/2021 12:08
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Hi Martin,

If you think you have a product that would fit well it would be best to start connecting with people and having some conversations to see if it would be a good fit.

I'd hold off on registering a business until you've had some conversations with "would be" customers, competitors and other stake holders that could potentially be involved down the road.

Best of luck!

Answered by:
On: 08/01/2021 19:47
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Happy to offer some mentoring .... Find me here

First thing for sure is to validate your concept/product idea - Focus on if you really are addressing a problem rather than having the solution.

Next step is research research and more research. Every minute you invest in researching online saves you 10 minutes of building your startup

  • More steps we can speak in person.
Answered by:
On: 06/02/2021 06:15
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As for the Miami/US question, I don't think there's much I can do for you.

I would however challenge the standard wisdom of "talk to people to validate your idea" in general. If you have a good feeling for something, if you are smart, have some experience, just do it. Test it with a low risk and resource approach. The world is full of accessible resources these days.

If you come up with something new, how likely is it, that a lot of people are already aware of the issue? Even people that might have the exact need, most likely lack the fantasy to identify what they need.

(Sorry for not helping with the actual question, but I wanted to use the stage to also answer to you headline ;-))

Answered by:
On: 26/02/2021 13:38
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Hey Martin,

Lots of good feedback here already, best thing is going to be taking the first step to get your idea beyond your own mind and sharing it with others. I'd love to help with this. I know quite a few brilliant people in the Miami area from my time working in management at Uber. Would love to connect, and have us and some of my contacts sit down and give feedback on your idea. Here's a link to my LinkedIn, message me where ever it makes the most sense!

Answered by:
On: 28/02/2021 02:32
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I would also suggest you talking repeatedly and loudly about your idea with potential customers and anyone in that particular field. The fear-based risk of a random person dropping everything they're doing to take your idea and run off is negligible and vastly inferior to the real-world benefits of direct feedback, meeting potential allies and contributors, and broadening your own understanding of your business goals. Besides, if any idea is so amazing of a market opportunity, surely there's room for another billionaire or two at the trough.

Answered by:
On: 12/05/2021 21:42
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Do you have a project idea and looking for a technical co founder? Apply here :

Let's connect on Linkedin and discuss it further: . Reach out if you have a project idea/mobile app idea/web app idea/ startups

Answered by:
On: 30/04/2024 12:28

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