Willem's profile



London, UK

Reputation points: 18

Willem's co-founder search details

Why Willem would make a good co-founder

I strive to be mission-driven, a problem-solver, an empathetic communicator, a strategic thinker and driven towards my goals and having transitioned from working full-time as a lawyer, I am willing to learn from others to become the best me.

Elevator pitch for startup:

Check out FriendsInvest.co.uk

I'm building a platform that simplifies how co-founders formalize agreements and set expectations.

We make negotiations smoother so co-founders can focus on building their business instead of getting stuck in ‘legal hassle.’ Whether it's equity distribution or milestone tracking, we streamline the process to avoid misunderstandings and keep everyone aligned.

Idea stage:

Building - Product building or service being setup

Idea industry:

Web or Mobile app

Willem's skills:

Business Development

Skills Willem is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week