Deivid's profile



San Francisco, CA, USA

Reputation points: 26

Deivid's co-founder search details

Why Deivid would make a good co-founder

I am an enginieer whit a varied list of skills, good working in a team, open to new ideas and also very creative

Elevator pitch for startup:

the new way to buy clothes online The model is you, Generation of images of you wearing the clothes you see online You can create outfits, share them, explore different outfits of other people, you can edit those outfits, exchange clothes and create new outfits, you can also follow yours favorite users and their creations, trends, stores, colors, cities and browse between different styles and fashions the idea is to encourage all small businesses to sell in the app the commission will be 3% the marker size is expected to reach $ 70.91 billion by 2021in the United States if you are interested in the idea you can contact me

Idea stage:

Planning - Business model & business plan writing

Idea industry:


Deivid's skills:


Skills Deivid is looking for:

Business Development

Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week