Zack's profile



Washington D.C., DC, USA

Reputation points: 20

Zack's co-founder search details

Why Zack would make a good co-founder

I'm a senior UX/UI designer and entrepreneur with 12+ years experience. I've sold 2 companies and worked for several startups. I freelance as a UX consultant for, Caterpillar, Marriott, and others. I have a background in hospitality and local businesses.

Linked In:

Elevator pitch for startup:

Small businesses don't always have the time or technical competence to share content with customers effectively. Our tool helps small businesses share timely information across the web, quickly and seamlessly, from 1 dashboard. In uncertain times, we can help businesses get back on their feet, provide clarity and transparency for customers, and grow with easy to use marketing tools.

I'm seeking a cofounder/full stack developer to build out the platform and own development initiatives 100%. In exchange I am offerings founders equity and profit sharing.

Idea stage:

Building - Product building or service being setup

Idea industry:

Web or Mobile app

Zack's skills:


Skills Zack is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

10-20 hours per week