Devon's profile



Waterloo, ON, Canada

Reputation points: 22

Devon's co-founder search details

Why Devon would make a good co-founder

I am a full-stack engineer. I can take an idea that is still in your head or a prototype that has just a few pages drawn on paper and turn it into a full-fledged product in a short time.

My tech stack:

· Ruby on Rails for website and API server.
· Futter for mobile and desktop app.

Other techniques I've used in projects:

· React Native/Swift for mobile app
· Vue/React for website
· Unity3D for game

I worked as a co-funder for many years.

I am interested in projects about personal growth, productivity, web3.0 or other innovative ideas in North America. Talk to me and see what I can do for you.


Devon's skills:


Skills Devon is looking for:

Business Development

Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week