Ana's profile



Sevilla, Spain

Reputation points: 20

Ana's co-founder search details

Why Ana would make a good co-founder

I have always had an entrepreneur mind, trying to solve world's problems. I have been working as a Startup Analyst for over 2 years so I have good knowledge about the ecosystem and what a startup needs to have to succeed.

Elevator pitch for startup:

Helping deliver the best and cheapest groceries to the client, comparing sustainability factors, prices and nutritional quality.

I'm looking for a technical co-founder that can work with databases and Ai.

Don't hesitate in contacting me if you're interested, I'm open to all suggestions!

Idea stage:

Validation - Concept exploration & research

Idea industry:


Ana's skills:

Business Development

Skills Ana is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week