Jep's profile



Menlo Park, CA, USA

Reputation points: 22

Jep's co-founder search details

Why Jep would make a good co-founder

• Background: I’m very interested in startups, and have been reading books, articles, and taking courses on entrepreneurship for the past few years. I was in a venture capital club at USC
• Hard-working + passionate: As often as I could, I’d take the maximum number of courses possible in college, as well as take difficult courses that I thought would be interesting, like Neuroscience. While I was in college, I also worked on a variety of different entrepreneurial ideas on the side. I ended up on this one, and have been able to build it up to the MVP level on my own.
• Resources: I have many connections in Silicon Valley who can advise me on how to build a company, scale it and provide funding.

Elevator pitch for startup:

I recently started Earnguard, which provides Income Sharing Agreements, an alternative to personal loans. We provide the customer with funds, and they pay us back a percentage of their future earnings. It's a more affordable, flexible and financially secure way to access credit.

Idea stage:

Building - Product building or service being setup

Idea industry:

Finance/ Fintech

Jep's skills:

Business Development

Skills Jep is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week