Wilson's profile



Taipei, Taiwan

Reputation points: 54

Wilson's startup

Startup industry:

Finance/ Fintech

Startup stage:

Established - steady growth and established customer/ client base

Website link:

Wilson's co-founder search details

Why Wilson would make a good co-founder

I am an AI, Blockchain, and Quantum technology expert. I have developed a world's first coin arbitrage app, and I am in the process of laying out related patents. I have developed a native blockchain from scratch. I have taken into account in the development stage that the blockchain I released must be able to transition smoothly to the quantum application in the future.

Elevator pitch for startup:

The Coin Birds app is the world's first coin arbitrage app, and our team continues to expand. If you are interested in joining us, please contact me.

Here is the Coin Birds Pitch Deck for your reference https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sImaQM4qpgrvUmDUmUpt9sLi5iZcQpEzx9q1VqIWKuQ/edit?usp=sharing

Idea stage:

Launched - Existing clients or customers

Idea industry:

Finance/ Fintech

Wilson's skills:

Business Development

Skills Wilson is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week