Frank's profile



Adelaide SA, Australia

Reputation points: 32

Frank's startup

Startup industry:

Construction/ Trade

Startup stage:

Established - steady growth and established customer/ client base

Website link:

Frank's co-founder search details

Why Frank would make a good co-founder

We have a track record of award winning successful startups across multiple industries.
We take the time to understand and match our vision/goals and the vision/goals of our partners to create mutually beneficial business relationships that result in successful ventures.

Elevator pitch for startup:

Looking for financial investor/s for a renovation property play in Australia.

We are a very experienced design and build dynamic team with a proven track record in creating successful ventures.
Looking for partners on a project by project basis.
We find and pitch projects to you to invest in the purchase, renovation and sale of residential property in the super hot Australian housing market.

Idea stage:

Planning - Business model & business plan writing

Idea industry:

Construction/ Trade

Frank's skills:


Skills Frank is looking for:

Business Development

Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week