Daniel's profile



Norwich, UK

Reputation points: 20

Daniel's startup

Startup industry:

Finance/ Fintech

Startup stage:

New - Minimal viable product or service launched with no or few customers/ users

Website link:

Daniel's co-founder search details

Why Daniel would make a good co-founder

We have launched Utiliqo.co.uk where people can sign up and switch their energy provider to the cheapest. Once signed with us we will ensure that they always stay on the cheapest tariff. for each sign up we get £15 and for dual fuel it is £15 per sign up

Elevator pitch for startup:

there is a few energy switching sites out there and we have created and launched Utiliqo.co.uk where you can switch your energy through us and we will ensure that you are always o the cheapest tariff. We earn £15 per sign up and on dual fuel its £30 per sign up

Idea stage:

Launched - Existing clients or customers

Idea industry:

Finance/ Fintech

Daniel's skills:

Business Development

Skills Daniel is looking for:

Business Development

Hours per week available to commit:

10-20 hours per week