Laura's profile



London, UK

Reputation points: 20

Laura's co-founder search details

Why Laura would make a good co-founder

  1. Strong commercial acumen (ex-investment banker, ex-Head of Corporate Finance and Strategy)
    2. Proven sales and growth hacking ability (acquired a strong pipeline of pilots for my current project)
    3. Strong team-building skills
    4. Disciplined, mission-driven, full-time dedicated to the project

Elevator pitch for startup:

A cloud-based app that matches employees within organisations for 1-on-1 informal virtual meet-ups and on-demand mentoring sessions. We have built an MVP, have 2 clients currently beta-testing the product and have a strong pipeline of upcoming pilots.

Idea stage:

Launched - Existing clients or customers

Idea industry:

Web or Mobile app

Laura's skills:

Business Development

Skills Laura is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week