Jens's profile



Stockholm, Sverige

Reputation points: 26

Jens's co-founder search details

Why Jens would make a good co-founder

I'm a hard worker, a fast learner and have great ideas. Over 20 years of development experience. Im located in Sweden

Elevator pitch for startup:

I have an schedule app
deployed to Mac store, iOS store, pwa/web, and google play.

The core functions of the app are to plan and schedule employees.
It has been in the stores for about 2 years and has a few hundred customers. this is a saas solution with recurring payments.

it grows slowly, but I need help to get it growing faster.
For more info msg me.

Idea stage:

Launched - Existing clients or customers

Idea industry:

Web or Mobile app

Jens's skills:


Skills Jens is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week