Richard's profile



Boston, MA, USA

Reputation points: 20

Richard's startup

Startup industry:

Web or Mobile app

Startup stage:

Established - steady growth and established customer/ client base

Website link:

Richard's co-founder search details

Why Richard would make a good co-founder

I love the labor of starting successful businesses. It's in my blood. MobileDega is my newest venture, but I am also co-founder and CEO of an inmate telecommunications company called SimpliMingle.

Elevator pitch for startup:

MobileDega is a peer-to-peer delivery platform that cuts delivery time to just a couple minutes and dramatically reduces costs for the customer placing the order.

Idea stage:

Building - Product building or service being setup

Idea industry:

Web or Mobile app

Richard's skills:

Business Development

Skills Richard is looking for:

Business Development

Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week