Pete's profile



Philadelphia, PA, USA

Reputation points: 20

Pete's co-founder search details

Why Pete would make a good co-founder

High performance/low ego, disciplined, highly dedicated, beginner's mind.

I'm obsessed with helping others unlock their full potential as human beings.

I love to work with & learn from others to get the best out of each other. Extremely supportive, adaptable, and cooperative.

Strong in Ops & Product with strong track record in tech sales as #1 performer.

Elevator pitch for startup:

Yous helps transform peoples lives by integrating their body, mind & spirit through fitfulness (fitness + mindfulness) through physical/digital classes and tracking/accountability app.

Idea stage:

Launched - Existing clients or customers

Idea industry:


Pete's skills:


Skills Pete is looking for:

Business Development

Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week