Ngnamgnouet's profile



Douala, Cameroun

Reputation points: 20

Ngnamgnouet's co-founder search details

Why Ngnamgnouet would make a good co-founder

I’m passionate. Tourism is my first ever passion. I’m working in this project since 3 years and still have energy, ressources and time to go further because I know it the key of tourism development across Africa. I need someone equal passionate to brainstorm and build with.

Elevator pitch for startup:

Open platform for tourism and transportation in Africa, connecting countries, people and leading the discovery of amazing places around the continent.

Idea stage:

Building - Product building or service being setup

Idea industry:

Web or Mobile app

Ngnamgnouet's skills:


Skills Ngnamgnouet is looking for:

Business Development

Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week