Cathy Joyce's profile

Cathy Joyce



Reputation points: 20

Cathy Joyce's co-founder search details

Why Cathy Joyce would make a good co-founder

An ENTJ-A, unorthodox problem solver and small-time private investor running multiple investments in Singapore-based brick-and-mortar shops. I don't - rather, cannot - settle down for good and enjoy challenging the status quo just to create better products and opportunities for growth. Weekends are the best time to be at a coffee house working on ideation for monetary growth. Professionally, I am earnestly seeking a challenge outside of the usual corporate comfort zone that will fast-track my career growth in Management. I have a day time corporate role in the BFSI sector as a Senior Manager and not willing to give it up to be a fulltime entrepreneur as I need to be constantly in connect with VCs, Wealth Managers, Private Bankers and international media journalists. Present key responsibilities are in the areas of Marketing Communications, Go-To-Market Strategy Planning, department budgeting, stakeholder management and A&P.

Elevator pitch for startup:

Working with me means you cannot be lazy, dodge questioning even if it feels like an FBI interrogation and must be fully focused on your aim to IPO. If you need someone driven to get things moving and for good, excellent!

Idea stage:

Building - Product building or service being setup

Idea industry:

Finance/ Fintech

Cathy Joyce's skills:


Skills Cathy Joyce is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week