Vladimir's profile



Ódessa, Odessa Oblast, Ukraine

Reputation points: 22

Vladimir's co-founder search details

Why Vladimir would make a good co-founder

Team Lead SEO specialist with 5+ years of experience. Worked with large platforms( 5+ mln visitors per month). Also I have strong skills in Product Matketing.

Elevator pitch for startup:

Skillcombo.com helps users find the training resources they need to build a career in IT

Our mission is to help users achieve their career goals through education. We help users with the choice of a training course and further career paths. You will get access to thousands of professional courses.

Idea stage:

Launched - Existing clients or customers

Idea industry:

Website (eg news, affiliate)

Vladimir's skills:


Skills Vladimir is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

20-30 hours per week