Rosie's profile



London, UK

Reputation points: 22

Rosie's co-founder search details

Why Rosie would make a good co-founder

I am looking for a co-founder who can embark on a journey with me to create this. I am not looking for a 'yes' person but someone who will be honest and truthful with me about my idea and help me take it forward. Thank you so much in advance for your consideration. I look forward to working with you.

Elevator pitch for startup:

I am looking to create a funding platform for the creative arts; the kind that allows all forms of creativity to be invested in; from oil painters to ceramicists and skate board pro's to designers. The business is aiming to be global in scale, local in feel.

Idea stage:

Planning - Business model & business plan writing

Idea industry:

Finance/ Fintech

Rosie's skills:

Business Development

Skills Rosie is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

0-10 hours per week