Maksym's profile



Frankfurt, Germany

Reputation points: 20

Maksym's co-founder search details

Why Maksym would make a good co-founder

Created a clothing brand in Ukraine brought to a turnover of 2.000.000 UAH per month
I was the CEO of the project and to this day I mentor him.Pro - activity and self-motivation - allows me to make breakthroughs in projects, due to planned steps and full involvement in the work.
Armed with a sharp sense of humor and solid knowledge in sales revenue growth.
In my arsenal: advanced gadgets, charisma, sense of humor, the art of negotiation and dog training)

Elevator pitch for startup:

Offers a rewards program that allows tenants to earn rental points and pave the way to homeownership simply by paying rent.

Idea stage:

Building - Product building or service being setup

Idea industry:

Finance/ Fintech

Maksym's skills:

Business Development

Skills Maksym is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week