Nicholas's profile



Portland, OR, USA

Reputation points: 22

Nicholas's co-founder search details

Why Nicholas would make a good co-founder

I have an idea for a startup and i'm looking for a co-founder
I am looking to partner up on someone else's idea as a co-founder
Two avenues can work for me I either need I need a business partner they can preferably be more technical than me and I can support them in the tech areas as well or I can work with the marketer that I can lead the technical area and they can do the advertising either one of these things will work I need somebody as fast as possible i'm tired of sitting on the sidelines this is the golden era there's gonna be more millionaires made now than ever
How many hours per week are you available to work on a project
Please select one
I already have my own successful startup
I am interested in jobs in startups

Find a co-founder
I can go one of two ways: find a business partner who excels in technical aspects while I offer Versatile support in multi area, or collaborate with a marketer where I take the lead on technical & model matters and they handle advertising. Either option works for me. Urgency is key—I'm eager to get in the game. This is a prime time, with countless opportunities for creating millionaires it's being handed out on a silver platter.

Nicholas's skills:


Skills Nicholas is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week