Marnee's profile



Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA

Reputation points: 20

Marnee's startup

Startup industry:


Startup stage:

New - Minimal viable product or service launched with no or few customers/ users

Website link:

Marnee's co-founder search details

Why Marnee would make a good co-founder

Previous track record of building 2 successful public adjusting companies.

30 years experience in property claims. It gives me a unique insight into how to fix the current problems.

Elevator pitch for startup:

ReBLDing simplifies the property claim repair process.

We are a multimarket platform for homeowners, contractors & insurance companies.

ReBLDing solves for poor customer service, long adjustment times & inaccurate payments by providing an end-to-end solution that creates trust, transparency & timing.

Restore By Locking Documents

Idea stage:

Building - Product building or service being setup

Idea industry:


Marnee's skills:

Business Development

Skills Marnee is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week