Krishnava's profile



Delhi, India

Reputation points: 20

Krishnava's co-founder search details

Why Krishnava would make a good co-founder

I have worked with various startups which were in the stage of developing of their product and were able to achieve various milestones due to our teams effort. While, leading the Engineering team at Feetwings, I had built a device to non-invasively monitor blood pressure and glucose levels. Later, we also upgraded our device to be able to detect and monitor recovery of neurodegenerative patients.
For this project we were able to raise INR 1.5 Cr funding at PoC stage.
I single-handedly trained ML to create these vitals from raw signals and designed prototype hardware required as well.
In terms of profession background I graduated from Netaji Subhas University of Technology doing B.Tech in ECE.

Elevator pitch for startup:

Our team eliminates your dilemma between a Smart Home and housing budget and eradicates the notion of “Smart Homes being a luxury”.

Idea stage:

Building - Product building or service being setup

Idea industry:


Krishnava's skills:


Skills Krishnava is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

10-20 hours per week