Surya Vardhan's profile

Surya Vardhan


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

Reputation points: 20

Surya Vardhan's co-founder search details

Why Surya Vardhan would make a good co-founder

I understand the need for cross-domain collaboration and user-centric design in tech products and can act as a bridge betwwen the languages of healthcare and tech

Elevator pitch for startup:

Empowering physicians with a one-stop shop for cutting-edge tools that transition their practice from a reactive, node-based approach to a proactive, longitudinal, and evidence-based model. Our innovation lies in leveraging data-driven technology to predict and prevent rather than just treat.

Idea stage:

Validation - Concept exploration & research

Idea industry:


Surya Vardhan's skills:


Skills Surya Vardhan is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week