Hayden's profile



Richmond, VA, USA

Reputation points: 20

Hayden's co-founder search details

Why Hayden would make a good co-founder

Why am I a good co-founder? I have a relentless drive to shatter the legacy elitist status quo - to genuinely make a difference.

The world is becoming a dark and dreary place, thus we must take upon the benevolent mantle of disruption before it is too late!

If you aren't looking to disrupt, then look elsewhere :)

Elevator pitch for startup:

removed info for now. might delete this account. not sure if there are any high value individuals here. dms open atm. we shall see

Idea stage:

Building - Product building or service being setup

Idea industry:


Hayden's skills:

Business Development

Skills Hayden is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week