Thomas's profile



New York, NY, USA

Reputation points: 22

Thomas's startup

Startup industry:

Finance/ Fintech

Startup stage:

Exited - Successfully exited the business

Website link:

Thomas's co-founder search details

Why Thomas would make a good co-founder

With a rich background in the financial epicenter of New York and a proven track record of building companies across the globe, including for discerning billionaires, I bring a unique blend of expertise and experience to the table. My journey has equipped me with invaluable insights into finance, business operations, and international markets. From navigating the complexities of high-profile clients to orchestrating seamless execution in diverse contexts, I have honed problem-solving skills and leadership acumen crucial for entrepreneurial success. With a keen eye for opportunity, a knack for risk management, and a commitment to execution excellence, I am poised to collaborate effectively as a co-founder, driving innovation and realizing ambitious visions alongside like-minded partners.

Thomas's skills:

Business Development

Skills Thomas is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week