Gokul's profile



Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

Reputation points: 20

Gokul's co-founder search details

Why Gokul would make a good co-founder

Hi i have 10 years of experience in retail petroleum business in retail and B2B sales. I have also built an LPG business took revenue upto 1.5 cr and sold it. Now committed to build a retail offline business to our indian middle class and lower middle class. I'm looking for a Co-founder with some experience.

Elevator pitch for startup:

There is a huge scope in retail grocery and fashion market in the offline setup. It's a 20 trillion indian rupees market. Working towards building a business in retail grocery and fashion retail similar to D-mart ( but with few changes) looking for a Co-founder with retail experience, who can be smart working and trust worthy.

Idea stage:

Planning - Business model & business plan writing

Idea industry:


Gokul's skills:

Business Development

Skills Gokul is looking for:


Hours per week available to commit:

30+ hours per week