Advanced Video Streaming Tool with motion sensor - does it exist in the market?
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Advanced Video Streaming Tool with motion sensor - does it exist in the market?

# developer

Looking to build an E-Learning Platform with advanced video streaming tool that could not only control speed, switch views from front to back, jump sections in videos, but also compare the movement of a person who is lecturing to a person who is learning. Would anyone know whether it exists in the market?

Asked by:
On: 10/06/2021 08:08

3 answers:

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I don't quite get what you mean by "compare the movement of a person who is lecturing to a person who is learning" but for the first part of your post, YouTube is sufficient for those needs. In fact, Khan Academy and Udemy got started by posting free YouTube videos at first.

Answered by:
On: 30/04/2022 08:46
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My understanding that you are talking about computer vision

Please check our website we are looking for co-founders www.metaeducate .com

Answered by:
On: 06/05/2022 19:30
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Are you looking for a tech that can detect movements via webcam? Let me know more about your ideas, happy to provide input.

Answered by:
On: 19/09/2022 01:57

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