How can you target your dream customer?
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How can you target your dream customer?

# Sales
# #Marketing

If you ever find yourself in a position of negotiating a price with a client or him arguing that you are overpriced. Please consider that you are attracting the wrong kind of clients, the clients you should aim for should be more concerned about the value than the cost. If you want to attract your dream clients contact me on my email with Targeting as email object. Kindest regards, Marouane tahri

Asked by:
On: 08/09/2022 02:03

3 answers:

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To target your dream customer, you need to have an idea of who your dream customer is. So design and structure a 'buyer persona' around your 'dream customer'. Outline their pain points and desires, Look for them where they usually are and then target them through cold mailing or cold calling.

Ensure that any message or communication you make with them hammer on their pains and the need for a problem solver - YOU!

Answered by:
On: 14/01/2023 19:42
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For target the costumers you need a product or idea and also u have to understand it's important for costumers or not and if not what is costumer requirements in you industry

Answered by:
Nitin singh
On: 21/01/2023 13:00
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They must able to pay the bill without copy your products. Some customers ask very details, they just want to copy your products

Answered by:
On: 22/05/2023 21:07

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