issue in the tech industry: the significant salary gap
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issue in the tech industry: the significant salary gap

I'm in search of co-founders for a project addressing a prevalent issue in the tech industry: the significant salary gap.

Experienced professionals at mid to senior levels often find themselves earning less than those with less experience who switch jobs frequently.

Meanwhile, those who remain loyal to one company for an extended period receive lower compensation. Our solution aims to bridge this gap.

If you're interested in joining us on this endeavor, we welcome your collaboration.

Asked by:
On: 16/05/2024 02:24

1 answer:

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What is your proposed solution to this problem? The days of loyalty to a companies had died with the boomers. I myself am capitalizing on this with a knowledge retention program so the companies can adapt to the rapid change of staff without huge impacts. I am interested to learn more.

Answered by:
On: 26/07/2024 03:56

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