Let the user know about Account Upgrading in Coding Course
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Let the user know about Account Upgrading in Coding Course

# Business Model
# User Interface

Hello, I'm creating a course, and I don't really know how to organize the account upgrades. I mean this:

A free account is always there in courses and platforms. It has heavy limitations, but it's stille there.

Now, I have four main parts:

Documentation Section (only theory, no coding projects not anything) Practising Section Social Section (with rewards etc...) Forum Section

MY OPINION: The Forum part should be for everyone. The social part should be for registered users, and so the Practising.

Idk about the documentation, and how about to gently tell the user about needing to upgrade, with the most possible conversion rate?

I don't know how this community is, but don't blast me in advance. Thanks for every suggestion!

Asked by:
On: 18/08/2021 18:25

2 answers:

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I recommend hiring a professional in click funnels that also knows the proper set up for click through rates and multiple tier packages. Fiverr and onlinejobs PH are good places to possibly find someone for this

Answered by:
On: 31/12/2021 02:24
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Hi Michael,

Typically EdTech platforms provide some basic content for free for users to get hooked, and then charge a fee for more advanced topics. Also practis sections are a good candidate for paid content as they help the student to better understand the content.

The approach to asking the user to upgrade would be to add a "premium content" icon to links and buttons that access paid content. once clicked, then you provide some information about what the student will receive once paid and ofcourse instructions for payment.

Answered by:
On: 25/04/2022 15:27

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