What are the key skills (in sales/marketing & business) to look for, when I choose a co-founder partner to help me grow
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What are the key skills (in sales/marketing & business) to look for, when I choose a co-founder partner to help me grow

# sales
# marketing

When selecting a co-founder to help grow and sell your business idea while you focus on the technical aspects, what key skills and experiences should you prioritise? How important are abilities in sales, marketing, communication, and networking? What traits make a partner ideal for driving business growth and ensuring success?

Asked by:
On: 19/07/2024 12:32

3 answers:

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There is no particular trait I guess. What is important is that you complement each other. A technical cofounder and a creative one.

Answered by:
On: 27/08/2024 11:53
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ability to sell or create a programmatic way to market the product to the right audience at the right time (in the right place). I'd say look for someone who can either network well or understands media and can be hands on

Answered by:
On: 06/11/2024 01:38
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The Co-founder you are looking for must know the ways or strategies to develop a business. Also if he or she is having hiring skills or can learn it, that would be a plus as it will reduce costs of paying a HR Initially. He has to be good with polite Communication and has to overcome sales challenges by A/B testing strategies. See for every business a single marketing strategies or sales strategy does not work well, so you need identity which one is best for you. As it's era of digital marketing, Online dealing so the co-founder you are looking for must have the ability to run your sales digitally rather than offline.

Answered by:
On: 04/02/2025 17:57

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