What do you think is the key factor in trust?
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What do you think is the key factor in trust?

# advice
# trust

Hi all. We launched in the US 8 months ago. During this time, we wrote more than 1000 people to LinkedIn. Consulted with dozens of marketers. Sent out over 100,000 emails. But, the sale process is not going on. We have ratings, achievements and good traction. We are good at developing products for companies. But, there is still no element of trust. What do you think is the key factor in this?

We want become international company in 3 years.

Asked by:
On: 20/07/2022 23:31

6 answers:

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This is always a problem when your startup is growing. The trust. Sometimes, Loyalty. But, As a founder, Always check you and your team if the mission and vision are still all aligned. Hope this simple answer can help.

Answered by:
Ron Oliver
On: 03/09/2022 12:58
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Hi max, I went to your website and it was impressive that the least I could say. However, when it comes to finding a solution to trust problems you will have to think out of the box. To give you a hint, you should be asking the people who have already bought from you the question why, it will tell you exactly what you need to do and your angle. If you need a reliable marketing expert email me on mr.tahri.marouane@gmail.com

Answered by:
On: 08/09/2022 02:19
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Partner with an already trusted player in the market. Could be payment processing provider, logistics partner or any company really that has trust in the market and offers you a service you need.

Answered by:
On: 21/09/2022 11:14
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Trust is earned. Here are the questions I’d have if I was an advisor and you came to me with this issue…

  1. Is trust the singular issue?
    • Are you absolutely certain the lack of trust is where the breakdown in your sales process is happening?
    • What have you been doing to earn/validate trust during the sales process? What can you do better? What more can you do?

How are you talking to prospects at every touch point? Are you talking about solutions instead of features? Etc etc etc.

Answered by:
On: 18/10/2022 23:24
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Building trust is a crucial factor in any business, especially when you're looking to expand internationally. Here are a few key factors that may contribute to the lack of trust and some suggestions on how to address them:

  1. Reputation: It's important to establish a positive reputation, both online and offline. Ensure that your online presence, such as your website and social media profiles, reflect your credibility and expertise. Consider gathering testimonials and reviews from satisfied customers to showcase your track record.

  2. Social Proof: People tend to trust recommendations from others, so leverage social proof to build trust. Encourage satisfied customers to provide testimonials, case studies, or referrals that demonstrate the value your product or service has provided to their business.

  3. Transparent Communication: Make sure your communication with potential clients is clear, concise, and transparent. Provide detailed information about your offerings, pricing, and terms. Address any concerns or questions promptly and honestly to establish credibility.

  4. Establish Partnerships: Collaborating with established companies or individuals in your industry can help boost your credibility. Seek out strategic partnerships or alliances that can vouch for your capabilities and endorse your products.

  5. Localize Your Approach: When expanding internationally, it's essential to understand and adapt to the local market. Tailor your messaging, marketing materials, and sales approach to resonate with the cultural preferences and business practices of your target market.

  6. Provide Exceptional Customer Service: Go above and beyond to provide excellent customer service. Promptly address any issues or complaints, and ensure that your customers feel supported and valued throughout their journey with your company.

  7. Attend Industry Events: Participating in relevant industry events and conferences can help you establish face-to-face connections and build trust with potential clients. Networking and showcasing your expertise can go a long way in building relationships and credibility.

Remember, building trust takes time and consistent effort. Continuously evaluate and refine your approach based on feedback and results, and adapt to the specific needs and expectations of your target market.

Answered by:
On: 29/09/2023 02:23
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In a business trust

  1. the person who has a good competitive back ground which can complement your business.
  2. If the person is able to justify his opinion / intension in the business with commitment and integrity by signing up agreement and put hours each week on the job or invest
Answered by:
On: 12/12/2023 06:23

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