Where and with what parameters should I advertise my advertising video service?
I make quality advertising videos for b2c businesses and video advertising campaigns with a monthly subscription.
We set a goal for a marketing campaign (for example: a new barber shop opens in town and needs some attention within a 10 km radius)
I make a short video (I have good video making skills, it can be viewed at richardfilmworks.com) (I can organize the shooting, but I would prefer to use stock footages.)
I offer a 3, 6, 12 month subscription where I use the pre-made video for advertising campaigns on facebook, youtube, tiktok, instagram.
What do you think? Where and with what parameters should I advertise my service?
Currently I make my own advertising video for Tik-Tok but I’m very curious about your Ideas!
1 answer:
Hi Richard, I've been to your website and honestly it's not good. Hear me out, you need a professional and fresh looking website. Here so harsh and hard to digest truth no matter how good the advertising can be if your landing page is aweful that doesn't get you any good return on your ads investment. Another thing that you should take out of your dictionary, and I mean for real never ever mention the word affordable and I mean it! If Balenciaga can sell trash bags for literally 1800 Usd why on earth would you want to be recognized as an affordable service provider? If you want help with your website ads and everything related to your digital journey send me an email to mr.tahri.marouane@gmail.com I'm confident that I can make you get more clients. Ps I've seen your footage you are doing an amazing job, you are a diamond that needs some polishing.