Co-Founder or Investor? Which route is better?
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Co-Founder or Investor? Which route is better?

# co-founder
# investor

I already have a business, but am deciding whether to go out and look for funding? Or bring on an investor who can provide their own resources?

Asked by:
On: 16/06/2022 23:25

4 answers:

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I think it trinkles down to how your biz is currently performing outsourcing for funds means you won't have problems running your business after getting the funds.However if you feel managerial roles are also weighing you down then I'd advise looking for an investor whose also bringing in experience.

Answered by:
On: 06/09/2022 14:28
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In most company setups, I don't believe a co-founder and investor can be chosen as alternative routes like that - if a business truly needs funding, you'll likely need a founding team who know their chosen areas well in order to achieve that capital. If you can cope with a non-investor co-founder, you didn't really need investment to begin with, you just needed certain skills you didn't already have on-hand, and in those circumstances it's almost always better to go for co-founders in my opinion. For one thing, it's far harder to source capital.

Answered by:
On: 14/11/2023 20:56
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CO-founder is to build with you sharing the burdens and the wins, the ying to your yang. Funding is for scaling something that is already getting very strong signals from the market.

I always advise to first build with a bootstrapped mentality and execution until you are in a strong position to seek fundraising.

Happy to chat more if you would like more clarity on this.

Answered by:
On: 31/03/2024 18:13
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Do you have a project idea and looking for a technical co founder? Apply here :

Let's connect on Linkedin and discuss it further: . Reach out if you have a project idea/mobile app idea/web app idea/ startups

Answered by:
On: 30/05/2024 11:58

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