Hi everyone. I am new to this site. I am looking at the profiles on here and it seems to me that one could start an extraordinary company if there was a collection of some of the individuals promoting their causes on here. My question is, has anyone tried to put a group of 4-6 professionals together successfully on here? Jane
3 answers:
I haven't been involved in that kind of thing on here, but I know from experience that pushing several skilled or accomplished individuals together doesn't always create gold.
I work with a number of individuals in business, and last year I had roughly 4 main business partners. In simple terms, an accountant, an inventor, a networker, and a realist.
On paper, these 4 individuals had a great deal of collective experience - they each owned a relatively successful startup, they each had a skill or ability they excelled in, and they each had their own network to tap into.
The accountant persuaded the other 3 to join a company with her. The inventor quickly resigned because he worked best with more creative freedom.
The networker was young and so even though he had a higher role than the realist, the realist and the accountant kept him in the dark through most of the process - pretty much voiding his viability.
The accountant took out a loan for the company, and the realist tapped into his network - but when the business started to fail, the accountant resigned to avoid risking her full-time financial industry job, leaving the realist to fix a mess and avoid angering the clients he brought on board.
Ultimately, it was a catastrophe.
People work differently, and it's very risky putting a high number of founders in a business together from day 1 - it's better to test the waters with one, then perhaps start to onboard a third or fourth etc. I was offered a role by the accountant at the start, but I turned it down because I knew each founder's skills and weaknesses, and the compatibility as equal partners felt like an unlikely ordeal.
Two people looking to start an AI company may make an incredibly good founding team, even in practice. But if they joined with a couple of other AI company people on here, I actually think there'd be a high chance of failure - too many cooks make dodgy porridge, or however the phrase goes.
Sadly, the only thing I have found on here is a scammer. Trying to still figure out what his angle was, I didn't let it get that far. Probably I will be looking to use a different service as I reported to Starthawk and his profile is still up.
Good luck!
I am also interested in this question. And I want to check for myself by finding a co-founder on this resource to promote and sell a ready-made service. The concept of this resource is as close as possible to building a successful startup.