Have any online courses helped you with your entrepreneurial skills?
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Have any online courses helped you with your entrepreneurial skills?

Hey, community! I'm CEO and Founder of Skillcombo.com. I'm wondering how the founders gain new skills. What skills have you gained through online education? What are your favourite resources?

Asked by:
On: 15/01/2023 19:42

2 answers:

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more or less, everything is there. only downside is: there is no "curriculum". so you need to figure out the steps on your own. maybe not the best for certifications and what not, but certainly enough to get going.

books/pdfs also. but mainly for non tech stuff

Answered by:
On: 06/03/2024 17:14
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You can check this : Coursera

and linkedin learning, you can find many course and learning path for improve your skills

Answered by:
On: 30/06/2024 15:16

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