How to find a developer who is into streetwear?
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How to find a developer who is into streetwear?

# streetwear
# Fashion

I am working on a fashion social commerce concept and am looking for a technical co-founder who is into streetwear.

Quite a challenge, huh? How to connect with the right person?

Asked by:
On: 03/06/2024 21:19

4 answers:

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Hi. Are you looking for a technical co-founder? I would like to discuss about the business details. Please feel free to reach out to me. Thanks.

Answered by:
On: 28/08/2024 02:36
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Why is it necessary that the technical co-founder is into streetwear? I would think it's more important the the co-founder is into tech and knows how to build the technical parts of the startup.

If the startup is about streetwear then someone in the startup probably needs to know about streetwear :-) I would argue that it's better if someone in the business side of things concentrates on that.

Answered by:
On: 24/10/2024 12:59
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Hello, Anssi.

Nice to meet you. I came across your profile by chance and I find it very impressive. In particular, I am very impressed by your innovative and creative approach. As a full-stack developer, I have 8 years of experience in web, mobile app, AI and blockchain development. In particular, I have experience as a CTO and project manager of a small team. I am attracted by your perspective of creating new things and challenging new things. I would like to work with you as my skills and expertise.

You can also check my profile. I look forward to your reply. Best, John

Answered by:
On: 02/12/2024 05:51
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What is the streetware for you? My background is from punk culture and such kind of open attitude has been always helpful to sort out technical problems. If something doesn't work as expected one way then obviously you need to figure out another way to get it work. During our country (Estonia) Independence era I started a first Software Company. Lot of during those days worked for me a short period. Aftewards, they put suits on and took jobs in Banks or Telecoms boards as we had provided them technology and solutions. And those persons lost their professionalism very quickly. I would be happy again to use a leather jacket to go outside and wear punk boots. If you are willing to pay for my work enough to buy those from TEMU.


Answered by:
On: 10/12/2024 14:35

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