How to promote an new web application?
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How to promote an new web application?

# apps

I have built a couple of webapps in AI and Crypto, but I don't have a good idea of how to bring attention to them. Are there any suggestions, or great reading material on how to do this?

Asked by:
On: 20/12/2023 19:12

3 answers:

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Start with youtube. Make videos show casing the apps. Then make video support users and teach how get the most out of the apps as features grow.

Second Discord it great place have community of uses that give feedback and such.

Third look for content creators to review show case or use the app. So good example of this is gives free access to creator most of witch use the app in twitch streams.

Answered by:
On: 15/03/2024 20:05
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Hi Michael,

Use of search engine optimazition. Keyword research and targetting. Using social media and finding the right audience and market them.

We can connect. I can be of assistance here in digitally marketing your web app.

Answered by:
On: 05/05/2024 12:20
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Hi, I have some online marketing solution for your web app product promotion: SEO: Research relevant keywords and optimize your website content for search engines. This will help users discover your app organically. Social Media Marketing: Create engaging content (posts, infographics, short videos) about your app's benefits on platforms where your target audience is active. Run organic social media campaigns (within platform limitations) to build buzz. Content Marketing: Write blog posts or articles highlighting your app's features and solving user problems. Submit guest posts to relevant blogs to expand reach.

Let's connect with for more help

Answered by:
On: 21/05/2024 12:24

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