How to start a new software project
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How to start a new software project

I have too many startup ideas. So much I can come up with something decent every week. I can build it. But completely lack the confidence to start and discipline to continue when I do start a project.

What would be good steps to do? I kinda feel I have no guidance on the best way to start and continue let's say for a month.

Asked by:
On: 07/03/2022 19:00

3 answers:

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When I build apps (desktop, web, or mobile) The goal I the get it to the app stores/ real customers/users (you can not start a new ide/app before your done). And even if the app is not 100% (it will never be) you need to get it good enough to deploy updates and new features will come later

I start with a TODO

*spec functions ** separate "must-have" from "nice to have" *** do a new to do list with the "must have" *** logn *** signup ***....

  • what does the app need, hosting, backend ...
  • What can you not do? maybe you write code but your not a designer. then you need to plan for that.
  • do you need other stuff like app store accounts..
  • is there any show stoppers? for example, you can not build a banking app without talking to a bank

And when you hit a wall and can not do anything else go back and do a new TODO (keep the old tasks but check them as done, to motivate you how much you have done). Brake down larger tasks to smaller. Slowly you will get a ready software/app

The key is to do TODO list especially when you feel unmotivated

if you have more than one idea follow the money. Doing a cool app with small chances to go paid or do a boring app with high chances to get payed

One very important thing is to finish the project (version 1.0) That's the hard part making 80-90% is easy this takes practice You have zero use for a 80% done app, but anything can happen to an app that is deployed

When feeling unmotivated pick something fun from the list maybe you are tired of writing code then do some research for similar apps, search for a cool domain, look for a cool sale site for your app (don't waste time building a website to promote the app. you can get templates for 5$-50$)

And don't forget to take breaks. working too hard and too long days will sooner or later burn you. Taking the weekend off will make you more productive in the weeks

Sorry for the bad English I hope you get my point

Good luck!

Answered by:
On: 14/03/2022 11:19
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The most important thing is to start. If you have an idea, you have to protect it & NDA with any potential investors. Best of luck. Let me know if you have any questions.

Answered by:
On: 07/05/2022 12:53
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It all depends but primarily I will suggest using FLUTTER, this is because you can build one version of the app, a webb app for example and then decide to deploy it as IOS or android easily afterwards.

Answered by:
On: 12/05/2022 18:44

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