How to get feedback from potential customers for business idea
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How to get feedback from potential customers for business idea

Hi, I have trouble getting feedback from potential customers (who are homeowners). I have shared surveys and also send posts to seek volunteers for audio/video calls for their feedback on my business idea. I shared surveys and posts on Facebook pages, FB groups, as well as next door.

How can I get a better response ratio from potential customers?

Please advise

Regards Suhaib

Asked by:
On: 23/08/2022 16:55

13 answers:

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I am unsure with your startup and my answer might not align your goal. However, I will just based on your concern. Please check these questions:

  • Are they aware that they are one of the first users?
  • Do you provide a note that you are asking for their feedback when using the services/idea?
  • How often do you ask a feedback?
  • What is your expect percentage per survey? Can you justify with the number of active vs total users?

Hope this will help on your startup journey.

Answered by:
Ron Oliver
On: 03/09/2022 12:55
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Hi Suhaib, the best way to get feedback from potential customers is to get a product in their hands! Even if it's a very basic MVP, the feedback offered then will be far more valuable than any insights from hypothetical questions. We can connect more on this, if you'd like.

Answered by:
On: 05/09/2022 10:59
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Indeed, but at this stage, I want to do market research. I can build a landing page. If I have a landing page for that business idea, how do I get their feedback. My problem is their lack of response.

Can you share how do I reach them? What channels should I use, I would like to do some interviews. My potential customers are home owners.


Answered by:
On: 05/09/2022 18:24
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Hi Suhaib, I'm sorry but you are actually doing it the wrong way, when you are asking someone to fill out a survey or any type of forms, most of the time your audience finds it boring at best and likely annoying, you should think of an alternative solution that combines innovative ideas with fun, that way you can collect and mesure your data and move to the next stage of your business.

Answered by:
On: 08/09/2022 02:09
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Have you tried offering an incentive like a small amazon voucher? also make it clear that the survey is short and takes 2 minutes for example.

Answered by:
On: 13/09/2022 12:18
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Create a target audience. After you have a target audience try:

  • 1 v 1 Interviews
  • Focus Groups
  • Surveys
  • Observational Research

Learn more here:

Answered by:
On: 14/10/2022 15:15
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Are you looking for feedback on your idea from potential customers? Or trying to decipher whether or not their is a market (Aka, potential customers) for your idea?

As a starting point- Consumers have no interest in surveying anything for you unless there’s an incentive for them.

Secondly how do you know your potential audience is the right audience?

Answered by:
On: 18/10/2022 23:11
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Hey, I put up statuses on my whatsapp, joined facebook groups and other online groups - I sent a request to review what I'm working on and links to my calendar for people to book a spot to give feedback.

Answered by:
On: 01/11/2022 21:07
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Amazon Mechanical Turk is generally an inexpensive way to get people to take surveys. Another option is advertising on social media. On Instagram, I once got 11,000 unique views in my target area for $10. I wasn't promoting a survey but I did get calls.

Answered by:
On: 21/11/2022 00:56
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Start a pre-sales outreach campaign. Set up a normal automated prospecting sequence to the people who you think own the pain you solve. Speak as if it was already developed but clarify on the call that it is still in production and you will add them to the waitlist. People call this vaporware and not everyone will take kindly to it but enough will for you to get authentic targeted feedback that will allow you to build your product roadmap.

Answered by:
On: 22/11/2022 16:27
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There are several ways to test your idea but it all falls back to: How well do you understand your primary and secondary audiences' psychographic needs

Once you have penned down your responses, you can move on to defining your business strategy, business tactics outreach and output. This may sound very broad but the process itself is applicable and works.

Another alternative approach is the JTBD theory: What issues/problems are you trying to solve

Answered by:
Cathy Joyce
On: 28/11/2022 09:02
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One way to get feedback from potential customers for a business idea is to conduct market research surveys or focus groups. These can be done in person or online, and can be targeted to specific demographics. Additionally, conducting interviews with industry experts and reaching out to potential customers directly to ask for their opinions and feedback can also be effective. Another way is to launch a MVP (Minimum Viable Product) and get feedback from early adopters.

Answered by:
On: 28/01/2023 06:17
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Getting a better response ratio from potential customers can be challenging, but here are some strategies that can help:

  1. Targeted advertising: Consider running targeted ads on platforms like Facebook or Instagram to reach homeowners specifically. Utilize the platform's advanced targeting options to narrow down your audience based on demographics, interests, and behaviors. This can help ensure that your surveys and calls reach the right people.

  2. Incentives: Offer incentives to increase participation and response rates. People are more likely to provide feedback if they perceive some value in doing so. It could be a small gift, a discount on your products or services, or even a chance to win a prize through a raffle. Make sure to communicate the incentives clearly in your survey or call posts.

  3. Outreach through local homeowners' associations: Reach out to local homeowners' associations or neighborhood groups. They often have active communities where homeowners are interested in sharing their opinions and ideas. Connect with these associations and ask if they can help you distribute your surveys or connect you with potential participants.

  4. Personalize your approach: Instead of sharing generic posts, try personalizing your messages. Address potential customers by their names or mention specific details about their homes or neighborhoods. This demonstrates that you've taken the time to understand their needs and builds a connection, increasing the likelihood of their response.

  5. Utilize email marketing: If you have an email list or can obtain one, send personalized emails to homeowners inviting them to participate in your surveys or audio/video calls. Craft compelling subject lines and clearly communicate the benefits of their participation. Personalized emails often have a higher response rate compared to generic mass emails.

  6. Engage in online communities: Participate actively in online communities and forums where homeowners discuss their needs and challenges. Provide valuable insights and establish yourself as an expert in your field. When appropriate, mention your business idea and ask for feedback. However, ensure you're following community guidelines and not spamming.

  7. Network with industry professionals: Connect with professionals in your industry who already have a network of homeowners. They might be willing to introduce you to potential customers or share your surveys with their network. Building relationships with key influencers can significantly increase your response ratio.

Remember, building trust and credibility with potential customers is essential. Be transparent about your intentions, explain how their feedback will shape your business, and always express gratitude for their time and participation.

Answered by:
On: 29/09/2023 02:22

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